Testimonials - Casali School of Dance

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Mary - "I began dancing at Casali School of Dance in the first year of their existence 37 years ago.  From the very beginning I knew that this was a special place.  It’s been 37 years and so many Casali dancers, teachers, parents and the owners are lifelong friends. Yes we learned to dance but more importantly we became family."   
Sandy Davis - "What has Casali School of Dance meant to the Davis family?  For 13+ years, our daughter, Genna, spent countless hours at the studio learning and loving to dance.  When she started out at the studio at 4 years old, it was just one ballet class, the next year we added tap, the next year jazz, and by the time she graduated from high school, I think she had studied more than 7 theories of dance with Miss Anna and Miss Patti and was also a teaching assistant for the “dancing babies.”  With each passing year, she wanted to take more and more classes, and was at the studio almost every day for hours on end.  It truly was her joy and passion.  And it was mine as well!!!  I loved being in the studio, visiting with Mrs. Casali and the other dance moms, and I loved watching the transformation of a little girl turn into a beautiful, graceful young woman.  I loved every recital and all of the excitement of them.  Mostly, though, I loved the atmosphere at the studio.  You see, the Casali family doesn’t only care about dance, they care about their dancers and families.  In 2003, when Genna was 14, our family was turned upside down and inside out by a devastating illness.  The Casali family, the teachers, and our extended dance family, gave us love, compassion, generosity, support and comfort during one of the most difficult times of our lives.  My dancing daughter found solace in knowing she could step into the studio and dance away her worry and sadness for that day.  She knew she had a place of joy to retreat to in a time of great uncertainty and distress.  The Casalis, Miss Patti, and all of the dancers and parents who so genuinely cared for my daughter and my family will forever be in my heart! "
Laura (Bracali) DeHooghe - "Anna Casali, I have never told you thank you! The life lessons you taught me growing up are irreplaceable! The twists and turns my life took was never expected--and until now I didn't realize how connected to my spirit I was through dancing! You allowed me to discover that gift!!! I love you, forever, because of that!!!  There has never been a greater, more profound influence in my life."
Sarah Sheppard - "Casali is a unique, special, and supportive dance studio that encourages self-confidence, personal development, and most importantly, an enjoyable dance experience. I recall sitting in my full-length tights and leotard eating frozen grapes and pizza, and talking to guys and girls who were older, younger, and my same age. It wasn't just an after-school activity; dance was a huge part of my life. When I went to Casali five or six times per week, I felt like I was returning to my second home. I learned dance technique and a little bit of French, sure, but I also learned how to take care of my body, how to be timely, how to be respectful, and how to be more confident. 
I have many memories of Casali, but some of my favorites include holiday performances at the local nursing homes, camping overnight at the studio in preparation for ticket sales, and of course, recitals which were always so special and so full of glitter (no, really!). I even loved the summer intensives and teaching the little kids how to tap their feet, point their toes, and jete across the room.  
I danced at Casali for nearly fifteen years and it didn't matter if it was a weeknight or a weekend, I absolutely loved being there. I am very grateful for the experience I had and for being a part of such a welcoming community with such wonderful people. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
Sarah H. "I grew up at Casali School of Dance – in more ways than I ever expected or can thank them for.  I enrolled at age three and continued to take classes throughout college and beyond.  I studied everything from ballet and modern to tap and jazz, and was eager to audition to be part of the studio’s company, competition team and holiday performers.  I loved every aspect of dance and Miss Anna& Miss Patti created an environment for me to thrive in.  Dance taught me discipline, confidence, perseverance, dedication, leadership, loyalty, work ethic and time management skills that I still value today.  Miss Anna was my mentor, teacher and friend; and her and the entire Casali School of Dance family without a doubt positively influenced the person I am today.  I made lifelong friends throughout my years at the studio and wouldn’t trade those memories or relationships for anything.  I’m very grateful for all the experiences Casali provided me and would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a well-rounded dance education& supportive environment for their child."
Liz Bendure - "My time as a student at Casali School of Dance began at age 6 and continued through age 18. While the dance instruction was outstanding, and I was a part of many dances that won Regional and National Dance Championships, those awards are not what comes to mind when I think of my time there. I remember a feeling of home and comfort. I remember the continued support of the staff, specifically Miss Anna, who saw potential in me, encouraged, and challenged me. She not only was my dance instructor, she became a mentor and woman to look up to. At Casali School of Dance, I learned that I was somebody. That even if I didn’t have the confidence or believe in myself, Miss Anna did. I also learned that I wasn’t just somebody, but somebody who was apart of a team. That working together to achieve a goal was the only way to succeed. The dance studio became my second home, as I was there many hours a week dancing.  Not only was I there often, but my mom was a secretary there for years, along with painting props, and sewing costumes. The Casali’s welcomed both of us into their studio family, giving mom and I some wonderful memories. Casali School of Dance was my second family and the accepted me for who I was.
While my pirouettes are not as clean as they were when I was 18, my love for dance has never faded. And the lessons I carry with me from Casali School of Dance go far beyond fancy dance tricks. They are life lessons that have played a part in shaping the woman that I am today.  Currently I am in my final year of studies in order to obtain my Masters Degree in Dance Movement Therapy. I am so happy that years latter my love for dance continues, and I have been able to find a way to incorporate it to serve others as a therapist. Anna Casali has been there for me through wonderful celebrations including my wedding, to life’s challenging transitions, like the passing of my mom. I am forever grateful for Anna as well as the culture she has built in her dance studio that nurtured me, challenged me, and encouraged me to fly."
Carmen Brown - "My years at Casali taught me so much more than dance. Yes, I did learn incredible technique and choreography from extremely talented instructors, but my dance education went way beyond that. I learned how to manage my time, prioritize tasks and have a strong work ethic, as I spent almost all my free time outside of school in the studio, but still managed to be the salutatorian of my high school graduating class. I learned to be a team player and how to work together with others, whether that be while partner dancing, or just keeping our timing together in a dance. I also learned the ability to adapt under pressure, whether that be from a new competition stage or a change in choreography. In addition, I gained a new appreciation for all kinds of music and the expression of it through dance. It gave me a way to escape from the stresses of everyday life, and also gave me some of my best friends, whom I am still close with today. I am forever grateful to Casali for shaping me into the person I am today, and strongly encourage anyone considering dance there to give it a try. It will change your life, in the best way possible."
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